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ORCA Ireland's COMPANY Membership Pack is excellent value for concerned and philanthropical companies to support ocean conservation and to become more sustainable. The company members pack covers small to medium sized businesses, who will  be helping to support our important work on marine megafauna conservation and join a like-minded community.

Company Members will receive the following benefits:


- Can be featured in ORCA Ireland's Ocean Times Magazine.

- Collaborate on projects and sign up to our Plastic Free Pledge.

- Discounts on SeaSafe Best Practices Training courses.

- Access to ORCA Ireland's Educational Resource Section.

- Get Involved in marine conservation through citizen science with the Observers App, ORCA IRELAND internships or volunteer placements.

- Receive a Welcome Pack from The Ocean Research & Conservation Association of Ireland. 

*Note: Confirmation of company registration number may be required.

ORCA Ireland's SeaSafe Observer Certificates can be tailored to your companies needs, whether you are part of a large tech company or operate an eco-tour boat. Our courses are aimed at companies who wish to become more sustainable. Learn about the different species in your area and how you can help conserve them with better identification and recording skills. Minimise disturbance when you are filming or photographing wildlife and join a community of like-minded individuals.

Companies we work with!

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